Treatment of spine stenosis without surgery
Restoring the structure and function of the spine using effective non-surgical methods
Spinal disc herniation is a rather dangerous disease. A large disc herniation may cause nerve roots’ compression, pain and limb numbness. Ignoring this disease may lead to complete paralysis.
Osteochondrosis of the spine is a chronic disease which causes degenerative changes of the vertebrae and the intervertebral discs. A differentiation is made between cervical, thoracic and lumbar Osteochondrosis.
Scoliosis is a persistent deformation of the spine leading to its’ sideways curvature. All sections of the spinal column are involved in the pathological process which causes the increasing of physiological spine curvature and twisting of the spine.
The main symptom of all joint diseases is pain. It can be temporary or permanent. There can also appear a limitation of joint mobility or joint swelling caused by inflammation or infection.
Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) is a common disease which causes disorders of the autonomic nervous system that regulates almost all human internal organs.
Headache is a common nonspecific symptom which manifests itself as a pain of various types in the head, often including the neck area.
This is a complex of methods which includes manual treatment for the different anatomical structures of the body to eliminate the identified limitation of mobility in order to free them from functional blockages and restore fluid circulation necessary for the optimal movement of a person.
This is one of the effective types of natural treatment. By treating different structures of the skull, the spine and the internal organs doctors of osteopathic medicine help to eliminate functional disorders and restore the optimal circulation of fluids (blood, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid) to maintain the natural balance of body fluids.
This method is based on treating the body with shockwaves. Shockwave impulses are delivered to the damaged discs thus starting some positive processes like resorption of herniated disc, calming tense muscles, elimination of pain syndromes.
This treatment method is used to normalize muscle functions and improve blood circulation. Myostimulation is especially important for restoring the tone and elasticity of smaller deep muscles which you cannot work out by yourself. It imitates natural impulses of the nervous system, stimulating muscles to contract and improving the blood circulation in the problem area of the spine.
It reduces the formation of fibrous tissues and calcifications, decreases pain and inflammation. Due to the angiogenesis (the growth of new blood capillaries) blood circulation and metabolic processes are restored, tissues are saturated with nutrients and oxygen. The pain is significantly reduced after the very first procedure.
This is the most effective non-surgical method for treating intervertebral disc herniation and protrusions. The method is used to eliminate pain in cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. Decompression extension of the spine reduces pressure on the spinal discs and effectively restores the functions of the spine.
This is a manual therapy technique that aims restoring natural functioning of the abdominal organs, improving their blood supply, eliminating venous and lymphatic stasis caused by the spasms of smooth visceral muscles, as well as reducing acute and chronic inflammation.
This is a correction of different body functions under the influence of electromagnetic oscillations. This is a type of physiotherapy which implies the restoration of the inborn, natural electromagnetic oscillations of cells (organs) and treatment of different pathologies.
This is a system of individual physical exercises designed to prevent and treat diseases of musculoskeletal system, improve posture, normalize metabolism, improve your flexibility and joint mobility, strengthen corset muscle.
Holistic medicine doctor
Craniosacral therapist
Manual therapist
Work experience: 30 years of practice
Holistic medicine doctor
Craniosacral therapist
Manual therapist
Member of the East European Osteopathic Association #ВЕАО
He successfully practices in the field of non-surgical treatment of the spine diseases and therapy programs
Author of the orthopedic posture corrector – the Ortho-chair
Author of the methods “Fast-Relax Kinesiotherapy using the Ortho-chair” and “Fast-Relax Self-correction using the Ortho-chair”
Teacher of holistic methods of treatment and rehabilitation, speaker at many international conferences in the field of different treatment and therapy techniques
Education details:
Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical Institute
Graduated from the Higher School of Osteopathy of American Osteopathic Association (AOA)
Work experience: 30 years of practice
Dr. Diordičuks konsultē un diagnosticē mugurkaula un locītavu slimības; stājas traucējumus; migrēnas un galvassāpes; nervu sistēmas slimības; liekā svara patoloģija; hroniskā noguruma sindroms; psihosomatiskie traucējumi.
Konsultācijas cena: 60 EUR
Dr. Diordičuks vada grupas atveseļošanās programmu Body Balance.
– Psihosomatiskās centrēšanās elpošanas prakse;
– Paškorekcijas prakse uz Orto-krēsla;
– Kompleksā programma mugurkaula atpūtai;
– Individuālā diagnostika;
– Ārsta konsultācija un atbildes uz jautājumiem.
Dalības maksa: 50 EUR
No 2021.gada 1.jūlija līdz 1.septembrim mēs aicinām jūs uz individuālu atveseļošanās un relaksācijas programmu Horvātijā (Pulā) Dr. Diordičuka atveseļošanās centrā. Individuālā atveseļošanās programma Horvātijā ir augstā līmenī organizēta rehabilitācija un atpūta ar dzīvošanu labiekārtotos dzīvokļos netālu no medicīnas centra, kurā norit ārstēšana. Dr.Diordičuka centrs un dzīvokļi atrodas pašā Adrijas jūras krastā. Visi šie apstākļi nodrošina mūsu viesiem labvēlīgu psiholoģisko gaisotni, veicina pilnīgu harmoniju, mazina stresu un sekmē ātrāku atveseļošanos.